What Do CPAs Do?

Managing money is an important part of life for everyone, but the proper management of money becomes an even bigger deal when you start handling large sums of i= In many cases, business owners face challenges keeping track of large sums of money that are spread across various parts of a company, and they often turn to certified public accountants (CPAs) for help.

A CPA is a financial professional who helps businesses and individuals manage money. CPAs must be licensed, and to become licensed, a CPA usually has to have post-secondary education in finance and complete state exams on topics like ethics and financial laws.

Each state has its own CPA requirements. For instance, an NYC CPA will be held to the standards of New York state, and the services offered by an NYC CPA will be governed by regulators in New York. Depending on the services provided, a CPA must also account for federal regulations on finance business transactions.

The Daily Life of a CPA

On a day-to-day basis, a CPA is usually found working with clients to review and organize finances. A CPA may also specialize in taxes, and many people and corporations will work with certified public accountants to handle tax preparation and filing. While a CPA is not a tax planner or financial advisor, they may offer similar services to help their clients better position themselves to take advantage of tax or finance laws.

Today’s CPAs also work with a lot of technology. While the math behind accounting never changes, technology tools that make crunching numbers easier are used in the offices of CPAs across the country. Some of these tools may include simple spreadsheet applications, but they can also be as complicated as cloud-based accounting applications.

Are CPAs Legal Professionals?

One common misconception about the role of a CPA is that these professionals provide legal advice and representation. A CPA may be involved in a legal case that pertains to finance, but a CPA is not an attorney and cannot provide legal advice.

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